![Go Foresters!](images/hoopslogo.jpg)
Forester Fan Forum Rules . . .
The Forester Fan Forum is not a public forum; it is a private forum for Forester Fans only. Thus, to view posts and/or participate in the discussions of this Forum, you must be a basketball fan of Huntington University. If you are not a Huntington fan, there are alternative forums, such as the Victory Sports Network, designed for fans of any NAIA school. A section of that forum exists specifically for discussion of the DII Mid-Central Region.
To make this a pleasant experience for Forester Fans, here are some rules of general conduct and use of these capabilities:
- Individual users are responsible for the content of their messages. While some editing may automatically occur (as discussed in 3 below), there is no effort to verify content or validate claims made by users of this site. The Administrator does not verify content. Keep this in mind while reading the posts of all users.
- You may not represent anyone other than yourself. At no time may you take on the name of another person in this forum, whether it is a user name, screen name or a real name. Also, you are not allowed to change your user name without administrative approval and a good reason (see item 14 below).
- No vulgar language or profanity is allowed; no words and phrases that should not be used in the presence of children are allowed. This site employs an automated filter which attempts to catch foul language and disguise offensive words in various ways. Residual inappropriate language will be removed as soon as it is discovered, and those who post such language may be banned from the site. If you find such language in any post, please report it immediately to the site administrator.
- No threatening, abusive or harassing comments will be tolerated. Be kind to others. Please don't forget that you are talking to real human beings and some may be very young basketball fans! The internet can be dehumanizing and you may be tempted to say things in the forum that you would never say to that person's face. Don't do it. Everyone deserves respect whether you agree with them or not.
- No slanderous or potentially libelous posts allowed. Knowingly making a false claim about any organization or individual is prohibited and may result in the loss of access privileges. Not only that, it's against the law and you may find yourself subject to legal action. You are responsible for your posts and your identity can be determined through the registration process.
- While lively debate is encouraged, do not make personal attacks. Comments attacking the character or integrity of any player, coach or any other user will be removed. Repeated incidents may result in that member being removed from the site. Harassing, offensive, vulgar, abusive, hateful or bashing communications (including those aimed at sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, national origin, or disability) are not tolerated.
- Do not engage in "flame-wars" (excessive confrontational postings). Debate can be useful, but don't try to "pick a digital fight" for reasons of entertainment or simply to harass any another individual. This includes comments in original postings designed to provoke, as well as your responses to postings.
- No advertising or product marketing is allowed in this forum. No commercial ads soliciting commercial business activity of any kind will be allowed. Such posts may be rightfully removed as soon as they are discovered.
- Links to personal or business web pages is permitted so long as the pages do not contain any adult or offensive material (or links to such material) or commercial advertising. If such material is accessible via your postings or registration information, they will be removed and the user may be banned from the forum.
- The posting of copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise protected material is strictly prohibited by law. You are responsible for your postings. If the proper owner of such material objects to your postings, an identification method exists whereby your personal identity can be determined.
- No spamming in the most general terms. Do not post the same message repeatedly and do not use the private messaging or email delivery system to send messages that are not welcome, nor advertisements of any commercial business activity. Notify the administrator of any such attempts.
- Impersonators will not be tolerated. As noted above, you may not use another's persons name in this forum in any manner. If you find that someone is an imposter, report this abuse immediately to the site administrator.
- Do not give out personal information. Keep your full name, address, telephone numbers, usernames, passwords and other identifying information to yourself, for your own personal safety and welfare. Also, do not give out other people's information either.
- If you wish to change your registered user name for any reason, send a Private Message or an email to the administrator of the site and explain the reason why. If a change is warranted, your old name will be deleted before a new name is put in place. You may not use names that are offensive, that suggest illegal activity, or are an attempt to imitate the names of others.
- You participate at your own risk in this message forum. You take responsibility for postings under your username and the information provided by others is at your own risk as well. HuntingtonHoops.net and its administrator take no responsibility for the content or opinions posted by others.
- Your IP address is recorded when you use the message board. If your messages are deemed harmful, your account, E-mail address, and IP address can be blocked from entering the site. We reserve the right to delete any message for any (or no) reason whatsoever. We also reserve the right to remove your access to the forum or disable your posting ability for any (or no) reason.
- Follow the general rules of "netiquette" in all postings. For example, don't type with all upper case letters (CAPS) and don't type with all lower case letters either! It's hard to read. For a description of on-line etiquette, see pages published by Albion on Netiquette.
- These rules and guidelines are not up for debate. This is a private forum provided as a service to Huntington University Forester Fans and its sole objective is to support the Huntington University men's basketball program. Anyone who disagrees with the rules can send me a message, but public criticisms or disagreements are not constructive.
- In order to protect the continuing interest of all users, rules are subject to change at any time. Thanks for your interest in the Huntington University men's basketball program, your interest in this site, and your cooperation.
Web Site Administrator: Paul Harrington